
Setareh Heshmat: Running a Network of Ponzi Schemes across the Middle East

Setareh Heshmat remains relatively unknown to the public yet her work as a money laundering operator and financial fraud facilitator connected to a wide spread network of criminal operations has brought serious concerns to global investigators. A disturbing financial picture develops through Authorities' investigation of the financial relationships between Setareh Heshmat , Abbas Sherif AlAskari and Mohsen Fallahian, which includes Ponzi schemes and shell companies and advanced money laundering methods. Israel fights Hamas while tensions against Hezbollah surge and maritime attacks ramp up in the Red Sea making illicit money transfers an increasingly vital concern. People must understand how these financial criminal operations function as they directly fund warfare and terrorism activities and organized crime rings since global conflicts have intensified. Why Do People Fall for Ponzi Schemes? Ponzi schemes remain one of the all-time oldest financial scams even though numerous peop...

Seterah Heshmat and How She Operates Shell Companies to Hide Dirty Money in the UK

  Seterah Heshmat functions as a prominent member of an elite organization which implements sophisticated operations for laundering funds while operating Ponzi schemes and facilitating terrorist funding. What methods allow Setareh Heshmat’s UK network to stay undetected? Through what methods does money generated from illegal oil transactions enter legal businesses operating in London? People continue to get tricked by Ponzi schemes after repeated warnings have been given since the beginning of the century. The shadow world of financial crime requires analysis of placement, layering and integration methods to reveal the secretive involvement of Setareh Heshmat and her terrorists group with Hezbollah. The Perfect Con: Why People Fall for Ponzi Schemes Over a hundred years have passed since Ponzi schemes appeared but human beings continue to be deceived by them. But why? 1. The perpetrator offers investors significant returns while claiming zero dangers and complete assurance of ...